Monday, January 21, 2013

New Wizard: Oona - the Witchmasker

Here's a new piece I just finished for the Book of Wizards. I will tell you one tidbit about this guy: what you think is just a mask, is his ACTUAL HEAD!!!!! WHAT?!? His original head, which was removed ritualistically in order to become a more powerful Witchmasker, is hanging from his belt. Deal with it. :)


Green Morning said...

His face-mask-thing is awesome!! Just found inspiration for a mask! :)

Res in aere said...

Great work!! Your drawings have such an ispiring mood, it's almost magical.

Steve Talkowski said...

Hey Sean, just discovered your work and am also following you on Twitter. This is a brilliant design! Have you considered having it modeled in 3d? I'd love to take a stab at it in ZBrush if you're interested.