Monday, May 18, 2009


More pages from the tome of sketchery. I'm totally psyched to turn the image of the lady looking in the eagle-headed mirror into a full piece.


  1. I dig the eagle-headed mirror too. The other one that caught my attention was the lengthy android/ alien with it's hand out. Very neat.

    Ben G.

  2. YES! Sketchbook pages!!! yum yum it's what I love.

  3. man, I know you have tons of these. you need to get an intern to just post stuff for you. how about you just mail ME your sketchbooks when they're full, and I'll take care of the rest :)

  4. Marc - You're just trying to find a subtle way to STEAL my sketchbooks and hold them for ransom. I am on to your plots!

  5. Man, you really need to put together a sketchbook "art book" I'd pick that up in a heart beat if you don't already have one. If you've got one out there let me know. I love the rough thumbnailing going on.
